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Intensive Behavioral Treatment/Discrete Trials Training (DTT)/Verbal Behavior Training(VB)

Discrete trial training (DTT; also called discrete trial instruction or DTI) is a technique used by practitioners of applied behavior analysis (ABA). DTT is a practitioner-led, structured instructional procedure that breaks tasks down into simple subunits to shape new skills. The technique relies on the use of promptsmodeling, and positive reinforcement strategies to facilitate the child's learning.


DTT is used to reduce stereotypical autistic behaviours through extinction and the provision of socially acceptable alternatives to self-stimulatory behaviors. Progression through goals of the program are determined on an individual basis and are not determined by which year the client has been in the program. 


Our defining goal is for the individual to ultimately learn skills from their natural environments and to reach his or her full potential. We seek to accomplish this by targeting fundamental learner’s skills such as functional communication guided by B.F. Skinner’s analysis of language (Verbal Behavior), joint attention, observational skills, imitation, following instructions, and social skills.

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