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Industry-Leading Behavior Healthcare

As one of the Los Angeles area’s renowned prominent resources for providing the most effective, evidence-based, ABA intervention with compassion and commitment,  All Autism Center specializes in a wide range of individualized and effective services that address the needs of an individual at the specific stage of his or her life. And while we work hard to offer top-of-the-line treatments that help our client achieve their short term and long term goal.



Early Behavior Intervention helps children with developmental delays and disabilities reach the best outcomes later in life. Infant and Toddler Intervention describes a set of services that supports a child’s learning and growth. It is sometimes called “early intervention” because the services are delivered early in life, before age three. 

Eligible children receive Infant and Toddler Intervention services during this critical time of growth. Qualified professionals work with the child’s family to determine whether the child is eligible, and then develop a service plan and work on specific areas of development. The Individual Family Service Plan may include:

  • Speech, language and communication therapy.

  • Family support and strategies to help a child’s development.

  • Occupational and/or physical therapy.

  • Social and emotional support services.


Our High-quality intervention can make an important difference for a child with a development delay or disability. The services can change the child’s developmental path. Some children reach the same developmental levels as others their age as a result of receiving early intervention.

Holding Hands


Discrete trial training (DTT; also called discrete trial instruction or DTI) is a technique used by practitioners of applied behavior analysis (ABA). DTT is a practitioner-led, structured instructional procedure that breaks tasks down into simple subunits to shape new skills. The technique relies on the use of promptsmodeling, and positive reinforcement strategies to facilitate the child's learning.


DTT is used to reduce stereotypical autistic behaviours through extinction and the provision of socially acceptable alternatives to self-stimulatory behaviors. Progression through goals of the program are determined on an individual basis and are not determined by which year the client has been in the program. 


Our defining goal is for the individual to ultimately learn skills from their natural environments and to reach his or her full potential. We seek to accomplish this by targeting fundamental learner’s skills such as functional communication guided by B.F. Skinner’s analysis of language (Verbal Behavior), joint attention, observational skills, imitation, following instructions, and social skills.



Adaptive Skills Training aims to increase a client’s life skills toward a greater level of independence in the home and community.


Adaptive Skills Training services:


  • Are based in a developmental perspective in which areas a client is delayed in are targeted

  • Utilize principles of Applied Behavior Analysis including breaking down skills into more manageable tasks or steps, and reinforcement or reward systems

  • Aim to increase a variety of skills that a client struggles with including self-help, communication, socialization, community, etc.

  • Involve parents and caregivers where appropriate to assist in the client learning new skills


An initial Adaptive Skills Training evaluation is completed during which adaptive living skills goals are generated and treatment plans to address these goals are outlined. Assessment, Consultation & Treatment develops with clients individualized goals for intervention based on age and socially appropriate norms, which are prioritized with clients so as to intensely target a few adaptive skills at a time before addressing other skills.

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